Thursday, August 6, 2009

Registration and information

Beaubassin, a newly acquired site by Parks Canada, will unearth through the "Public Archaeology Experience" artifacts attesting to the Acadian way of life before the Deportation. The Experience will also include Fort Lawrence, a British fort constructed within the former Acadian village of Beaubassin, which commemorates the struggle between the French and the British Empires.

Schedule for the day:

9:00 a.m. Welcome and orientation at Fort Beauséjour - Fort Cumberland National Historic Site.
9:10 - 10:10 a.m. Introduction to archaeology and historical overview.
10:30 - 12:00 p.m. Participation in excavation activity at Beaubassin and Fort Lawrence.
12:00 - 12:45 p.m. Lunch (on your own).
12:45 - 3:00 p.m. Excavation and archaeological work continues for all participants.
3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Wrap up and finale

Registration requirements:

• Registrants should be in good physical condition to participate in the excavation. Activities will proceed at a comfortable pace, though some physical exertion will be required. The on-site field lab will provide the opportunity to participate in less strenuous archaeological activities.
• It is not required to have prior archaeological experience.
• Registrants must be at least 17 years of age in order to participate.

Dates: July: 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 August: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15.

Registration Form:

Please select the preferred date for your personal archaeological experience: (x)

__22 __23 __24 __ 25
__29 __30 __31

__ 1
__5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8
__ 12 __ 13 __ 14 __ 15
The experience occurs on thurdays, fridays, saturdays and sundays.

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________
City Prov/State Postal Code/ZIP

Day Phone: ( ) _______________ Evening Phone: ( ) ________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

Please inform us of any allergies or medical conditions: ________________________


Any details or interests that we should be aware of: _____________________________


Registration Fee: $36.70 Canadian ( price includes taxes)

Fee Breakdown: Introduction to archaeology (training theory and practice): $14.70
Excavation and Archaeological work: $22.00
Total: $36.70

Fee Total:

Number of Participants ____ X $36.70 = ___________

Total Registration Fees: ___________

We prefer participants register early as spaces are limited.
Full Payment must be received with the registration form.

Payment Options:

By Mail: Please send your completed registration form with payment to:

Fort Beauséjour-Fort Cumberland National Historic Site of Canada
111 Fort Beauséjour Road
Aulac, New Brunswick
E4L 2W5

By email: Send completed registration form to
By Fax: Send completed registration form with credit card information to
(506) 536-4399.
By Phone: Call the site at (506) 364-5080 to receive a registration form.

I would like to pay by:

__ Cheque (please make payable to Receiver General of Canada )
__ VISA __ MasterCard __ American Express __ Cash

Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Name on Card: _______________________________________ Expiry Date:_ _/_ _


Cancellation Policy:

Please inquire about the status of the archaeology program before making any travel arrangements. We reserve the right to withdraw the "Public Archaeology Experience 2008" or make changes to the program at any time, without penalty.

If you wish to cancel your reservation, a refund will be granted. The participant must advise the site in writing, at least 48 hours prior to their chosen date.

Registration Policy:

Each "Public Archaeology Experience" is limited to 12 participants per session. All spaces are granted on a "first register and pay, first serve" basis.
As space is limited, we will immediately contact and inform registrants if their chosen session has already been filled. Other sessions may still be available.

Clothing and Weather Conditions:

The months of July and August are usually warm and pleasant, but participants should be prepared for rainy and cool conditions. There is also a fair amount of wind, and registrants should dress accordingly. It is recommended that participants be prepared to dress in layers, and should also bring rain gear, comfortable shoes, a wide brimmed hat, and sunglasses. Sunscreen and insect repellent will be provided, but some may opt to bring their own brands.

It is recommended that participants have up to date tetanus vaccinations prior to arrival.


Participants are asked to bring their own packed lunches. Snacks and bottled water will be provided. Eating establishments are located within a few minutes drive.


Participants will have the opportunity to discover artifacts from the pre-deportation Acadian period, as well as that of British occupation. These artifacts will remain the property of Parks Canada, who will ensure their commemorative integrity. The artifacts will be studied to further the historical and archaeological understanding of the area for all Canadians.

Questions? Please contact us at or call (506) 364-5080.

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